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Would like to contribute to The Torsche growing selection of works?

We at the Torsche are here to bring to light spectacular design work, whether it’s designed by an African or in service of African brands. To propagate the value of design in Africa and also enable you sit back and do the work you love and get global recognition while also inspiring others.

Currently, it costs $0 to submit your work, whether you are an agency, studio or freelancer. We feature all kinds of creative projects from brand designs to digital illustrations to websites to campaigns e.t.c. We’d love to see them all. For our criteria, we are only for lookout for works done by Africans or in service to Africans through international collaborations with African brands. Asides from that no other specific criteria is required.We get a lot of submissions which might deprive us the opportunity to respond to all  submissions.  

We review every submission to ensure all content is relevant and of great quality. If we decide to feature your project or need more information, we will contact you directly.

By submitting content, you certify that you are the author of the content and grant "The Torsche" the rights to publish it on our platform without any monetary compensation.

Submit Work