Oyeleye Ogunsanya

Lead Designer - Risevest

30 AUGUST, 2024

From a self-taught designer to leading the design team at Risevest, Leye specializes in multidisciplinary design and digital product development, currently building Calvest, a tool for calculating compound interest.

What made you pick design as a career?

My design journey after university has been a whirlwind of discovery, hard work, and gradual success. It all began when I decided to dive into the world of design. I started teaching myself the fundamentals, initially drawing inspiration from Pinterest, where I marveled at the myriad of creative ideas and trends.

As I honed my skills, I began to share my designs with friends and family. Their positive feedback was encouraging, and it became evident that people genuinely appreciated my work. The pivotal moment came when a few acquaintances expressed interest in purchasing my designs. This was the first indication that my passion could translate into a viable career. I started charging modest fees, but as I continued to practice and improve, my confidence grew, and so did my rates.

Recognizing the power of social media, I started posting my work on Instagram. My designs quickly garnered attention, and one day, I received a message that would significantly impact my career. It was from Myth Digital, a design studio in Ireland. They were impressed with my multidisciplinary approach and offered me an opportunity to work with them. At Myth Digital, I designed logos, illustrations, and various assets, which broadened my skill set and strengthened my design capabilities.

During my tenure at Myth Digital, I developed a keen interest in product design. I began practicing this new discipline while fulfilling my responsibilities at the studio. Simultaneously, I noticed a growing demand for my design services from Nigerian clients. This inspired me to create OE Studio, a venture aimed at democratizing design knowledge while also functioning as a design studio.

Balancing my work with Myth Digital in Ireland and freelancing as a designer in Nigeria was challenging yet rewarding. This dual role allowed me to refine my skills and build a diverse portfolio. After years of dedication and persistent effort, I was thrilled to join Risevest where I currenltly lead the design team.

At Risevest, I have the opportunity to steer the design vision of a forward-thinking company. My journey from a self-taught designer to leading a design team at a prominent firm has been nothing short of transformative.

Can you walk us through your favourite part of the creative process?

The chaotic part, that's the part where I feel incredibly alive, no constraint, just exploring and seeing what's possible, this part has me reeling with excitement, I get to try variations and different directions for a particular task or project. It is from here that I get to refine the outcome presented.

What’s a common misconception about your field?

That it is easy to become a product designer, or trivialising/belittling the effort and research requires to make any meaningful product people will interact with or use daily.

What are some challenges you've faced in your career and how did you overcome them?

The impermanence of digital designs, I have done a lot of works that are no longer on the internet today, a lot of them have also been updated. It pains when I think about it from time to time. I try not to think about it.

What works are you most proud of?


What do you do to get away from the screen and find inspiration?

Driving and Eating out

Where's one place you visited or would like to visit in Africa??

Rwanda, I love that country.

What's your creative mantra?

"Always have a beginners mindset"

Anything else you’d like us to know about?

Currently building Calvest (Calvest.app), a beautiful tool for calculating compound interest.

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